Últimas Tendencias Home CareÚltimas Tendencias Home Care
BASF Aroma Ingredients - Neue Anlagen für Riech- und GeschmacksstoffeZahnpasta oder Duschgel aus einem Chemiewerk?
BASF Inside Jahresrückblick 2024Wir blicken zurück auf das Jahr 2024 bei BASF Inside. Mit vielen spannenden Geschichten und beeindruckenden Bildern.
Metabisulfito FoodNuestra solución química es un compuesto seguro y ampliamente utilizado en la industria alimentaria para prolongar la vida útil, sabor y color de los alimentos.
Texapon N70El Texapon N70 es un tensioactivo aniônico de origen natural proveniente de aceite de palma RSPO certificado com más de 75% de carbonos de origen natural
Polyquart Ecoclean MaxUna inovadora tecnología cuya composición se basa mayoritariamente en elementos de origen natural.
Polyquart 149 A
Glucopon 425 NHH Versión FinalEste tensoactivo no iónico de base natural y baja toxicidade elevará el rendimento de tus detergentes y limpiadores a nuevos niveles.
SolutrixSolutrix es la línea de dispersantes y modificadores reológicos diseñados para evitar la formación de depósitos em líneas, equipos y sistemas.
Floculantes MagnaflocLa línea de floculantes Magnafloc son polímeros solubles en agua diseñados para aglutinar y sedimentar las partículas finas presentes en la pulpa mineral, permitiendo una eficiente recuperación de agua de proceso y preparación del concentrado para etapas posteriores.
Tendencias en el mercado Home Care 2024El mercado de Home Care está en plena transformación y en BASF estamos a la vanguardia de las tendencias que nos dejó el 2024. Las marcas blancas están ganando terreno al desafiar la percepción de calidad, mientras que el bienestar en el hogar se convierte en una prioridad para los consumidores. Con un crecimiento sostenido y un enfoque en productos sostenibles, la demanda por opciones que combinen eficiencia y respeto por el medio ambiente no...
Discover the job of asset manager in charge of maintenance and new works team with Xavier Rolland
Découvrez le métier de responsable maintenance et travaux neufs avec Xavier RollandXavier Rolland est responsable du service maintenance et travaux neufs sur le site BASF Agri-Production de Genay. Dans cette vidéo, il vous explique son métier.
Discover the job of maintenance engineer in a production site with Cedric Fief
Découvrez le métier d'ingénieur maintenance sur un site industriel avec Cédric FiefCédric est ingénieur maintenance sur le site BASF Agri-Production à Genay. Dans cette vidéo, il vous en dit plus sur son quotidien.
TRILON M MAX BIOBASEDEl video presenta "Trilon M Max Biobased", una innovación en el campo de la limpieza y el cuidado del medio ambiente. Este producto es un agente quelante biodegradable y eficiente que elimina manchas y suciedad.
Drive forward: BASF’s plastics solutions for chassis and BIW applications.To drive forward plastics solutions for chassis and body in white applications, BASF provides high-performance plastics, design and simulation as well as processing expertise. Watch our solutions for occupant safety, optimized crash behaviour, mass reduction and NVH performance. To learn more about our automotive solutions, please visit: https://plastics-rubber.basf.com/global/en/performance_polymers/industries/p...
Drive forward: BASF’s plastics solutions for mounts and bracketsTo drive forward solutions for mounts and brackets, BASF provides high-performance plastics, design and simulation as well as processing expertise. To learn more about our automotive solutions, please visit: https://plastics-rubber.basf.com/global/en/performance_polymers/industries/pp_automotive
Drive forward: BASF’s Ultramid® Expand for chassis and structural applicationsUltramid® Expand is a particle foam by BASF that is based on a combination of several polyamide 6 grades. To learn more about Ultramid® Expand, please visit: https://plastics-rubber.basf.com/emea/en/performance_polymers/industries/pp_automotive/applications/application_chassis/polyamide_particle_foam
Drive forward: BASF’s polyurethane solutions for pultrusion systemsTo drive forward solutions for pultrusion systems, BASF provides high-performance polyurethanes, design and simulation as well as processing expertise. To learn more about our automotive solutions, please visit: https://plastics-rubber.basf.com/global/en/performance_polymers/industries/pp_automotive
Drive forward: BASF’s plastics solutions for body in whiteTo drive forward solutions for body in white, BASF provides high-performance plastics, design and simulation as well as processing expertise. To learn more about our automotive solutions, please visit: https://plastics-rubber.basf.com/global/en/performance_polymers/industries/pp_automotive
Drive forward: BASF’s Engineering Plastics in Asia for chassis and structural applicationsTo drive forward solutions for chassis and structural applications in Asia, BASF provides high-performance Engineering Plastics, design and simulation as well as processing expertise. To learn more about our automotive solutions, please visit: https://plastics-rubber.basf.com/global/en/performance_polymers/industries/pp_automotive
Drive forward: BASF’s Engineering Plastics for chassis and structural applicationsTo drive forward solutions for chassis and structural applications, BASF provides high-performance Engineering Plastics, design and simulation as well as processing expertise. To learn more about our automotive solutions, please visit: https://plastics-rubber.basf.com/global/en/performance_polymers/industries/pp_automotive
Jordy, Process Operator bij BASF Heerenveen - Maker van het NoordenMaak kennis met process operator Jordy op de locatie van BASF in Heerenveen, in deze video van MAAK HET. Jordy deelt als Maker van het Noorden hoe het is om te werken en leven in het noorden van het land. Op jonge leeftijd begon Jordy zijn carrière bij BASF in Heerenveen. Wat hij fijn vindt aan zijn baan als operator? Hij heeft regelmatig meerdere dagen achter elkaar vrij, waardoor hij bijvoorbeeld kan genieten van wan...
A solução está na palma da mãoComo mitigar a reciclabilidade do plástico com tecnologia e acessibilidade?
2024 year's end message by Markus KamiethA big "thank you" from our CEO Markus Kamieth and our board members Michael Heinz, Stephan Kothrade, Anup Kothari, Dirk Elvermann and Katja Scharpwinkel to all of you! Markus Kamieth also reflects on this past year and looks ahead to the upcoming year with a focus on our Winning Ways strategy. Enjoy the video!
BASF Medical Plastics - Ultraform® PRO (POM) & Ultradur® PROHigh performance plastics with highest formulation consistency Ultraform® PRO (POM) and Ultradur® PRO (PBT) were specifically developed to meet the requirements and needs of the challenging and at the same time risk-averse medical market. The suffix PRO (Profile covered Raw materials Only) points to the fact that only strictly controlled raw materials are being used within the enhanced production process, in combination wi...